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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Mechwarrior 2 System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-01-20 04:00:50 Views : 22526 Invincibility: Enter ##X0/A> Clan Jade Falcon: 1 T#X0A0X<2 #/X0A04 3 T/X0A0Z<#L 4 #0X0A0>>00 5 T0X0>0X>Y0 6 #XX0>04>T# 7 TXX0>0Z>0= 8 #YX0>0>Y+Y 9 TYX0/0XY0Z 10 #AX0/04Y+* 11 TAX0/0ZYYY 12 #AL/ 13 T14 #>X0X04AU+ 15 T>X0X0ZA Crusader Trials: 1 TTX0A0X0LL 2 #*XOA0403 T*X0A0Z0U* Freebirth Trials: 1 TL00A0XZUZ 2 #Z00A04Z#* 3 T*00A0ZLY* "Tarantula" Mech chassis: Enter #/XO/A4 Slower overheating: Enter #XXO/A4>Y+ as a password. The name of a Mech will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.Heat from the weapons will build up slower, allowing them to be fired faster without overheating. "Elemental" Mech chassis: Enter T/XO/AZ<#* as a password. The name of a Mech will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. The "Elemental" Mech chassis is a very small, and resembles a suit of armor. Cruise control throttle: Enter #AXO/A4TTA as a password. The name of a Mech will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Clan Wolf: 1 T#00A0X++0 2 #/00A04+0# 3 T/00A0Z+T= 4 #000A0>4LA 5 T000/0X4L> 6 #X00/044LA 7 TX00/0Z4UT 8 #Y00/0>U#/ 9 TY00=0XU10 #A00=04ULL 11 TA00=0ZU#> 12 #<00*0>=T# 13 T<00*0X=0= 14 #>00*04=+4 15 T>00*0Z=Y0 Wolf's Dragoons: 1 TT00A0XL0/ 2 #*00A04L+X 3 T*00A0ZLY+ Inner Sphere Trials: 1 TLX0A0XXYU 2 #ZX0A04X++ 3 TZXOA0ZXOX Extra weapons variants: Enter T#XO/AX<<< as a password. The name of a Mech will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Go to the change Mech screen to access extra weapons for each Mech. Jump jets: Enter #YX0/A>Y0L as a password. The name of a Mech will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Unlimited ammunition: Enter TOX0/AX>TU as a password. The name of a Mech will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. All missions: Enter T Passwords: No weight limit: Enter #0X0/A>>0/ as a password. The name of a Mech will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Mechwarrior 2 cheat codes.
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